Manufacturing a new productManufacturing a new product

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Manufacturing a new product

It is a lot of work to start a factory from the ground up, especially if you are making a product that is not common in Australia. Luckily these days there is a lot more support online and it can be really useful for entrepreneurs to talk to other people who have started manufacturing in Australia rather than going overseas. This blog has a range of handy resources for people who are looking to manufacture a new product in Australia, including links to industry groups, government associations and technical resources that can help to maximise your chances of starting a successful manufacturing operation.

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Buying Nets for Industrial Transport Safety: 3 Things to Consider

If you need to transport industrial cargo into or out of your manufacturing plant, you will want to ensure that it properly secured so that it does not pose a risk to your workforce. Loose cargo can pose a crush risk to any contractors who need to load or unload the vehicle as well as creating the potential for a serious traffic accident if the load is shed while it is out on the road. Nets are a great solution which can hold a number of different industrial loads in place during transportation. Below is a guide to 3 things you should consider when choosing nets for your industrial unit.  

The type of net material

The first things you should consider is the type of material which the netting is made out of. Nets are available in a wide range of materials, such as nylon, polypropylene and polyester. Polyester is a very popular choice, as it is a low-cost solution which means that large quantities of it can be purchased for use securing loads. However, polyester is not suitable for heavy loads, as it may snap under the strain. For heavy loads, you should consider more expensive options such as polypropylene and nylon, as these offer improved strength and resistance to damage.

The size of the mesh

Once you have decided on the type of net material that is most suitable for your needs, you should consider the size of the mesh. The size of the spaces between the strands of netting can have a major impact on its ability to support a load in transport. Typically, a smaller mesh size will increase the load capacity of the net. However, nets with small meshes require more material, and this will be reflected in the price you pay. Nets with larger meshes will offer less support and should not be used for smaller items, as there is the risk that the net will slip and fail to hold the item in place. If you are unsure which size of mesh is right for you, you should consult with the supplier.

The max load rating of the mesh

The final thing you need to do is to check the max load rating for the net. The max load rating will specify the precise amount of weight which the net can support before it snaps. You should always opt for an industrial net which is above the weight of your load so that you have a little give to play with when transporting your load.

If you would like to find out more, you should contact an industrial net supplier today.